Subject: Jacksonville Old Style font [part 1 of 4]
Date: Sun, 05 May 91 21:37:58 -0800 (PST)
This posting contains a convertion into TrueType format of the
Jacksonville Old Style font. What follows is a StuffIt 1.5.1 archive
containing the Jacksonville Old Style PostScript font as it was
originally received by me (bitmap, downloadable PostScript file(s), and
perhaps documentation and/or AFM files). I've added a suitcase file
which contains a TrueType version of the font, created by FontMonger
Generic statement: I am not the author of this font; I'm simply
converting it as a service to the Mac community. I believe that it's
legitimate for me to convert and redistribute this font... if you feel
otherwise or have information to the contrary, please contact me via
email. If this is a shareware font, please honor the author's shareware
request if you use either the PostScript or TrueType version of the
Dave Platt (domain/MX)
or apple!snulbug!dplatt (uucp path)
or (non-MX Internet)
-- cut here -- begin JacksonvilleOldStyle.sit.hqx -- part 1 of 4 --
#### BINHEX kennon.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 91 20:26:26 EST
From: (Steve Koster)
Subject: kennon-truetype.cpt.hqx
Kennon is an stylish serif font, very useful, and very well kerned (over 400 pairs). It serves well in formal and informal use. Although Kennon is hand drawn, it is very clean, clear, and has a full character set. I hope you like this one!!!!!!!!!!!
Kennon is a Sterling Court ProFont... version 1.0. It is shareware. If you like it or use it, please send $5 to: